Monday, May 19, 2008


Do you know?

guluk2 is more dominan than Guluk1 eventhough she's the younger sister..

Guluk2 says" I can eat 4 plates of nasi minyak in a day"

Guluk1... after being beaten severely by Guluk2


lupikirlahsendiri said...

hehehe..wa lu punye anak pun ada gaya mcm lu lah bro..ahakss

azie said...

salam perkenalan..
erm, can't wait to read stories bout these cute guluks:)

The Guluks said...

u know us? our parents?
so keep it secret ok... ahaks..

cute? u mean cutest, isn't?

Yana Ismail said...

Cute nyer?leh berkenalan?ahaks:)
Salam kenal ek guluks..huhu

Anonymous said...

salam....ka3,sampai 4 pinggan sehari,patutpun comey jek...geram tgok pp yg gebu tu...comey2 belaka budak2 ni ek...

The Guluks said...

wait n see our picture collections....

King said...

agak2 ayah bebudak ni keje ape yer...

The Guluks said...

father: teacher
mother: teacher
us: The Guluks

Aien cute said...

hi guluks... Salam perkenalan!


The Guluks said...

salam perkenalan..

peace 2 u 2...

u r cute! but we r cuter...

Nurul Nadiah said...
