Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

No, they are not telletubbies!!!

Guluk1: No! I don't wanna go back with them. We're humans not 'alive-toys'. Look at them.. they're like toyols in 'Puaka NiYang Merepek', isn't? I love our parents. We're not telletubbies!!!

Guluks2: Arghh... I dont care! I have nothing to do with this situation. He still thinking these statues are real telletubbies and he's one of them. Silly!! Hmmm.. Nice plan for day-dreaming here..

Extra girl at the back: Bangg... jom arr mkn McDonnald

Extra boy at the back: hmm.. jap yer.. Duit bwak RM65, teksi pegi blk RM28, tandas 30sen, air mineral td RM2.40.. hmm.. mkn fun fries jer blh???