Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

No, they are not telletubbies!!!

Guluk1: No! I don't wanna go back with them. We're humans not 'alive-toys'. Look at them.. they're like toyols in 'Puaka NiYang Merepek', isn't? I love our parents. We're not telletubbies!!!

Guluks2: Arghh... I dont care! I have nothing to do with this situation. He still thinking these statues are real telletubbies and he's one of them. Silly!! Hmmm.. Nice plan for day-dreaming here..

Extra girl at the back: Bangg... jom arr mkn McDonnald

Extra boy at the back: hmm.. jap yer.. Duit bwak RM65, teksi pegi blk RM28, tandas 30sen, air mineral td RM2.40.. hmm.. mkn fun fries jer blh???

Thursday, May 22, 2008


How many members of Telletubbies? If your answer is 4, you're wrong! There are actually 6 members of telletubbies but 2 of them were not in the "Tubbies Land". They lost here.. our country.. Malaysia. Can you guess their real name?

guluk1: 2006

guluk2: 2007

Monday, May 19, 2008


Do you know?

guluk2 is more dominan than Guluk1 eventhough she's the younger sister..

Guluk2 says" I can eat 4 plates of nasi minyak in a day"

Guluk1... after being beaten severely by Guluk2

Thursday, May 15, 2008


here we are,

The Guluks - brother n sister that will make your life sparkles.


please all bloggers,
do welcome us now....